recognize, understand, empathize
Healing Steuben is an organization sponsored by the Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative of Steuben County Indiana and led by representatives of law enforcement, juvenile justice, local school districts, faith communities, and regional health and mental health providers.
Our mission is to help the community recognize and respond to trauma with understanding and empathy. We do this with events, tools and research that help Steuben County residents identify the primary causes of trauma among our children and youth, and work to address those causes through grassroots education and advocacy.
Whether you’re a parent, educator, business owner, or public servant, each of us has a role to play in addressing trauma in Steuben County and Northeast Indiana. Scroll down to learn more about how you can help.
“I commend the efforts by so many individuals in Steuben County in developing and supporting JDAI and ICJI programming, which provides vital community-based services for system-involved youth.”
— Judge Allen Wheat, Steuben County Indiana Circuit Court
Upcoming Events
The Biology & Impacts of Trauma
Presented by Robin E Donaldson, CEO - Collective Impact Training & Consulting
Objectives: Review trauma definition and the ACE pyramid - Understand the impact of trauma on genetic expression and brain development - Share recent research findings and outline the hope of resilience
*Sponsored by Steuben County Juvenile Detention Alternative Initiative
How are the Children
Narrated by Wesley Williams, II - Westat Senior Project Director
The traditional greeting of the Maasai people in Africa asks after the well-being of the children. Our narrator was introduced to this custom many years ago and often uses it to set the context for educator quality meetings, forums, conferences, and sessions. The meaning behind the response, “All the children are well,” highlights the importance of efforts that improve children’s well-being. Westat has now partnered this important message to a vibrant and dynamic video.