Health & Mental Health Professionals

Health and mental health professionals are critical in identifying and addressing causes of trauma in our community. Your connection to people in their time of deepest need can serve as a gateway to deeper healing of the emotional wounds within our community. This site will offer access to data-informed methods and practices you can implement in your work to help individuals begin their journey toward addressing trauma, past and present.



Trauma Informed Care Project

The goal of the Trauma Informed Care Project is two-fold. First is to educate the larger System, which delivers services or has some piece of a family’s case, about Trauma and how it may impact the system and/or affect the family. Second is to educate and train practitioners in evidenced based trauma informed services so that our consumers/community/system can have available resources to send trauma survivors to receive services.

Building Trauma Responsive Healing Communities

This slideshow outlines specific strategies for building a trauma responsive community based on the research of Robin E. Donaldson, founder and CEO of Collective Impact Training and Consulting. Community members are encouraged to share this with anyone interested in learning more about building a trauma-responsive community in Steuben County.

Agency Self-Assessment

This tool is intended to help you measure your organization’s readiness to implement a trauma-informed approach with customers and clients. Honest and candid staff responses can benefit your organization by helping to identify opportunities for program and environmental change, assist in professional development planning, and informing policy changes within your organization.

How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime

Nadine Burke Harris

Childhood trauma isn’t something you just get over as you grow up. Pediatrician Nadine Burke Harris explains that the repeated stress of abuse, neglect and parents struggling with mental health or substance abuse issues has real, tangible effects on the development of the brain. This unfolds across a lifetime, to the point where those who’ve experienced high levels of trauma are at triple the risk for heart disease and lung cancer. An impassioned plea for pediatric medicine to confront the prevention and treatment of trauma, head-on.

Drowning in Empathy: The Cost of Vicarious Trauma

Amy Cunningham

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a health issue most people are familiar with, but what about those individuals who dedicate their lives to caring for the traumatized? What is the cost to them? Every day, police officers, firefighters, doctors, teachers, therapists, nurses, and others selflessly serve traumatized patients and victims. However, research has shown it comes at an extreme cost. The empathetic nature of caring professionals exposes them to an increased risk of vicarious trauma, or Compassion Fatigue, where the helper during a crisis can also become personally affected without personally experiencing the trauma.

Secondary Traumatic Stress

Understanding the Impact of Trauma Work on Professionals

This webinar defines Secondary Traumatic Stress (STS), describes how the sociocultural context and the experience of migration may impact the experience of STS and outlines specific strategies to strengthen protective factors to prevent, identify, and address STS in the workplace. Through case examples, participants will learn who is at risk, organizational and individual factors related to STS, and how to approach support staff wellness.

Trauma-Informed Care Champions

From Treaters to Healers

This four-minute video provides a compelling snapshot of the value of trauma-informed care from both provider and patient perspectives. Those featured participated in Advancing Trauma-Informed Care, a national initiative made possible through support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

This video is available with Spanish subtitles

Want to learn more?

Learn about the 988 help line, find Local Health Providers, and view important Community Resources available in Steuben County at our Community Directory.