
Steuben County Indiana joined the Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative in 2016, with the aim of bringing reform to local policy regarding youth incarceration. Sponsored nationally by the Annie E. Casey Foundation, JDAI convenes juvenile justice practitioners and system stakeholders to build a better, more equitable, youth justice system in Steuben County with the involvement of local law enforcement, probation officers, and community members. 

Since its inception, JDAI Steuben County has seen a significant decline in multiple facets of youth detention. In particular, its efforts have reduced county spending on juvenile detention by $100,845 over a six year period.

Below are several other statistics provided by Steuben County law enforcement and juvenile justice testifying to the impact of JDAI on reductions in youth detention and recidivism in our area.

Teen Court

Launched in conjunction with the Steuben County Prosecutor and Probation Offices, Teen Court is a juvenile diversion program that allows first-time juvenile offenders to try their case in front of local high school volunteers. Not only do defendants get a hearing in front of their peers, volunteers learn about every aspect of courtroom proceedings.

Students interested in volunteering for Teen Court must complete a four-hour training program. The program is open to students grade 8-12. Contact JDAI if you’re interested in volunteering, or send us a message on Instagram or Facebook.

Local Impact of JDAI & Detention Diversion